The International Association of Meiobenthologists (IAM) was created in 1966 to bring together meiobenthologists from around the world. Since the start the IAM has published a regular newsletter “Psammonalia”, though over recent years other channels of communication between members have come to the fore. The complete back collection of Psammonalia is available on this website. The IAM organises a conference for members every 3 years, starting wit the first in Tunisia in 1969. The last in person meeting was held in Évora, Portugal in 2019, and the most recent meeting was held online, hosted by NIWA in Wellington, New Zealand. The next conference will be in 2025 in Kolkata, India.
Front Row (from left): Irwin Newell, John Gray, Robert Higgins, William Hummon, Wilfried Westheide, Leland Pollock, Bengt-Owe Jansson
Middle Row: Pierre Lasserre, Bertil Swedmark, Jeanne Renaud-Mornant, Claude Jouin, Claus Clausen, Wolfram Noodt, Ernst Kirsteuer (partly obscured), Marian-Traian Gomoiou
Back Row (heads visible): Neil Hulings, Robert Hessler, Alasdair McIntyre, Duane Hope, Franz Riemann, John Wells, Robert Williams, Wolfgang Sterrer. (By Olav Giere)